- April 4th Jerry’s restaurant 12:30pm, Local crafters weekly meeting
- April 5th Jerry’s restaurant 6pm NWA Community Potluck event
- April 6th Jerry’s restaurant 9am Concealed carry class
- APRIL 12th Jerry’s Restaurant 5pm Community meeting
- APRIL 13th Jerry’s Restaurant 10am Ditch Clean up sign in at Jerry’s. Lunch at 12:30.
- May 11th Northwest Angle 6am Fishing opener.
- May 19 Lake of the Woods Discovery Center in Kenora, 1pm Joe Laurin and Sean Kavanaugh will present on Exploring Lake of the woods,
- August 8, 9. 10 in Kenora. KBI Fishing Tournament
- August 31 – Northwest Angle Buoy Bash is labor day weekend.